Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The importance of being green....

Nope. Not talking about Re-use and recycle (though those are mighty important as well!)

I'm talking about getting down in the soil, getting your hands dirty and planting something green, edible, and healthy.

As I type this, I'm following a post on a friend's Facebook page about energy consumption. It was all started by a post he made about the head of General Motors saying that he thinks the government should add another $1 tax per gallon of gas to force people into more energy efficient cars. Let's face it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that all that was was a cry for us to get rid of the cars we have and line his pockets further by buying shiny, new cars from his company.

Instead, let me propose this; let's all find ways to use just five dollars less per week in gas. Whether we do this directly by cutting one trip out per week, or indirectly by buying local produce, growing a garden, etc to cut down how much gets transported across the country by trucks, it doesn't matter. The goal is $5 less per week per person in this country.

Think that won't make a difference? Do the math. That's over 1.5 BILLION dollars PER WEEK that we aren't paying the gas and oil companies.

Think that the folks in the offices at Exxon won't sit up and take notice of that? :)

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